Friday, March 29, 2013

March Madness!

Can't believe Easter is almost here, and March is almost over!  This past month the kids and I have been attending a Mops group.  We have made so many great friends and had the chance to explore Eagle River with them.  This past week we had a mops play date at pizza hut where the kids got to make their own personal pizzas!  It was a hit.
Also this month Cyrus participated in his first Awanas pine wood derby car race!  What a blast it was.
No first place, or any place at all, but a great time with friends.  I do believe his highlight of the night was going out for ice cream after with his best buds Haden & Rylan:)
What excites the kids most?  Surprise packages in the mail!  Cy got one from his best friend in WA Colton, and then they both got a Easter package from Papa & Grandma Talbot.  That sure provided lots of smiles and fun.
We have done much celebrating and preparing for Easter this month also.  We have been doing the resurrection eggs with the kids and what a great time it has been teaching them, and remembering what was done for us on the cross.  And of course we can't wait for Easter day to get here, excited to  Celebrate with our family at ACF!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So much to do and explore!

So much to do and explore, and no one better to do it with than Cyrus and Sarie!  Out last field trip was to the Anchorage Museum!  They have a awesome children's area, where the kids can explore using all their senses.  We were so lucky to have the best tour guides, Shanna and Rylan:)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blast off to FOUR!!!

Where has the time gone??  Josh and I often ask each other this question.  I remember the very first time I saw Mr Cyrus, our first snuggle, his baby smell, and his squished nose which eventually straightened out:)   I never thought I could love a little person that much!  God is so good, and what a blessing this little man has been to his Momma and his family.  Happy 4th Birthday Cyrus, we love you more than you can possibly imagine!  God has amazing and awesome plans for you, and we are just glad that he planned us to be your parents!!!

So as Cyrus's birthday approached he insisted on a buzz light year train party!  Ok kind of weird.  But I went along with it since I had learned a very valuable lesson this fall.  This fall Sister Sarie asked for a Elmo birthday party.  That is ridiculous I thought so I threw her a hello kitty party, well it is seriously like her birthday never happened, so tragic!!  Well all that to say that we had a great time celebrating Cyrus's 4th , with many friends!!!  Thanks to all who helped us celebrate!!